Flowers everywhere
09:30Tra le borse per la primavera estate 2016 vanno in scena fantasie floreali: tra fiori che sbocciano sulle borse e giardini fioriti che sembrano usciti fuori da tele fiamminghe, ecco gli accessori più glamour della bella stagione. Sbocciano fiori e giardini colorati sui capi, borse e accessori. Di stagione in stagione il mood floreale, ogni volta rivisto e reinterpretato, sembra davvero non volerci lasciare e così, con l’arrivo della primavera, per noi giunge il momento di aggiornare il guardaroba e di sfoggiare le fantasie floreali più variopinte della bella stagione. Qualche volta sono vere e proprie stampe che sembrano uscite fuori da un vecchio quadro fiammingo, altre volte sono veri e propri fiori che sbocciano su questi piccoli e preziosi accessori da indossare nei momenti speciali.
Ed ecco che oggi vi parlo di e di questa meravigliosa borsa in stampa floreale tutta made in italy, tra laltro sul loro sito ora è scontata del 65% trovi il link diretto a fine post.
Fiori ovunque, e ci dispiace per gli allergici, ma a noi quel tocco di colore e di primavera su abiti e accessori piace molto. Impossibile infatti non dare quel twist di stagione al nostro guardaroba e farlo risorgere dal grigiore invernale.
Among the bags for spring summer 2016 are staged floral patterns: among blooming flowers on the bags and flower gardens that seem to come out of Flemish paintings, here is the most glamorous accessories of summer. Flowers bloom and colorful gardens on garments, bags and accessories. From season to season floral mood, each time revised and reinterpreted, really seems unwilling to leave and so, with the arrival of spring, for us it is time to update your wardrobe and show off the most colorful floral patterns of warm weather. Sometimes they are real prints that seem to come out of an old Flemish painting, other times they are real flowers which bloom on these small and precious accessories to wear on special occasions.
And today I speak of and this wonderful bag floral print all made in Italy, by the way on their site is now discounted by 65% find the direct link at the end of post.
Flowers everywhere, and we are sorry for allergy sufferers, but to us that touch of color and spring clothes and accessories of really like. Could you not give that seasonal twist to our wardrobe and make it rise from the winter blues.
Fiori ovunque, e ci dispiace per gli allergici, ma a noi quel tocco di colore e di primavera su abiti e accessori piace molto. Impossibile infatti non dare quel twist di stagione al nostro guardaroba e farlo risorgere dal grigiore invernale.
Among the bags for spring summer 2016 are staged floral patterns: among blooming flowers on the bags and flower gardens that seem to come out of Flemish paintings, here is the most glamorous accessories of summer. Flowers bloom and colorful gardens on garments, bags and accessories. From season to season floral mood, each time revised and reinterpreted, really seems unwilling to leave and so, with the arrival of spring, for us it is time to update your wardrobe and show off the most colorful floral patterns of warm weather. Sometimes they are real prints that seem to come out of an old Flemish painting, other times they are real flowers which bloom on these small and precious accessories to wear on special occasions.
And today I speak of and this wonderful bag floral print all made in Italy, by the way on their site is now discounted by 65% find the direct link at the end of post.
Flowers everywhere, and we are sorry for allergy sufferers, but to us that touch of color and spring clothes and accessories of really like. Could you not give that seasonal twist to our wardrobe and make it rise from the winter blues.
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