Halloween, la notte che vede protagonisti streghe, zombie, fantasmi e creature spaventose da ogni dove, è alle porte. Sebbene non sia una festa italiana ormai è usanza festeggiare la cosiddetta notte delle streghe anche oltreoceano. Che aspettate? Scegliete il vostro personaggio tra zombie, spose cadavere, clown malvagi e bambole assassine, oppure, se preferite qualcosa di meno macabro, perché non vi travestite da Biancaneve, Morticia Addams o Regina di Cuori? trucchi Halloween più gettonati sono dark, cupi e tendenzialmente macabri, la strega, il vampiro e lo zombie sono maschere amatissime che con un po’ di fantasia possono passare dall’essere estremamente orripilanti al raffinatamente spaventose. Il 31 ottobre è la notte delle streghe e chiunque decida di lasciarsi conquistare dalle tradizioni che arrivano da oltre oceano e di festeggiare questo giorno, bene o male si lascia attirare dalla sua tradizionale atmosfera da film horror. La notte di Halloween si avvicina sempre più e per aiutarvi a trovare il giusto travestimento per i party a tema che si terranno quella sera noi vi stiamo proponendo molte idee di trucchi e maschere da realizzare che spaziano dall’horror al fantasy e dal semplice make up scenografico al vero e proprio costume. Se siete amanti dei travestimenti classici sarete liete di scoprire con noi come poter realizzare al meglio alcune delle maschere più gettonati per Halloween. Pericolosa e sexy, come una strega. I veri protagonisti sono i capelli, con un hairstyle a tutto volume e disordinato.Accanto al trucco da strega, quello da scheletro se ben eseguito è uno dei più terrificanti. Adatto per le più esperte è un sapiente gioco di base bianca ed eyeliner nero. Ecco cosa ho scelto io ho creato metà parte trucco strega e metà parte trucco scheletro, è molto originale da poter aver 2 make up e poter sfoggiare 2 total look completamente differente se scegliete il trucco con teschio in stile Lady Gaga particolare e ricercato, la star da cui prendere spunto è senza ombra di dubbio Gaga, dato che i suoi outfit e i suoi look sono sempre fuori dagli schemi e iper teatrali. Nelle sue esibizioni ci offre un perfetto spunto per la notte del 31 ottobre, come per esempio un trucco da teschio molto dark, ma allo stesso tempo glam grazie all’abbinamento con la lunga coda di cavallo rosa e il trendissimo smoking sfoggiato nel video del suo singolo Born This Way.
Halloween night starring witches, zombies, ghosts and scary creatures from everywhere, it is upon us. Although not a party now is Italian custom to celebrate the so-called Night of the Eagle overseas. What are you waiting? Choose your character between zombies, corpse brides, evil clowns and dolls killer, or if you prefer something less macabre, because there dressed as Snow White, Morticia Addams or Queen of Hearts? Halloween tricks most popular are dark, gloomy and potentially gruesome, witch, vampire and zombie masks are beloved that with a little 'fantasy can go from being extremely horrifying to tastefully frightening. October 31 is the night of witches and anyone who decides to be conquered by the traditions that come from overseas and to celebrate this day, good or bad is left to draw from its traditional atmosphere of horror films. The night of Halloween is getting closer and help you find the right costume for theme parties that will be held that evening we are proposing many ideas of tricks and masks to achieve that range from horror to fantasy and simple make up scenic the real costume. If you love the classic costumes will be pleased to discover with us how we can best achieve some of the packages to masks for Halloween. Dangerous and sexy, like a witch. The real stars are the hair, with a hairstyle blaring and disordinato.Accanto makeup witch, skeleton that if well done is one of the most terrifying. Suitable for more experienced is a clever play of white base and black eyeliner. Here's what I chose I created half the trick witch and half the skeleton makeup, is very original that you can have 2 make up and be able to show off 2 total look completely different if you choose the trick with skull style Lady Gaga and particularly sought after, the star from which to take inspiration is undoubtedly Gaga, as his outfit and his looks are always outside the box and hyper theater. In his exhibition it offers us the perfect starting point for the night of October 31, such as a skull makeup very dark, yet glam thanks to the combination with the long ponytail and pink tuxedo trendissimo sported in the video for her single Born This Way.
Halloween night starring witches, zombies, ghosts and scary creatures from everywhere, it is upon us. Although not a party now is Italian custom to celebrate the so-called Night of the Eagle overseas. What are you waiting? Choose your character between zombies, corpse brides, evil clowns and dolls killer, or if you prefer something less macabre, because there dressed as Snow White, Morticia Addams or Queen of Hearts? Halloween tricks most popular are dark, gloomy and potentially gruesome, witch, vampire and zombie masks are beloved that with a little 'fantasy can go from being extremely horrifying to tastefully frightening. October 31 is the night of witches and anyone who decides to be conquered by the traditions that come from overseas and to celebrate this day, good or bad is left to draw from its traditional atmosphere of horror films. The night of Halloween is getting closer and help you find the right costume for theme parties that will be held that evening we are proposing many ideas of tricks and masks to achieve that range from horror to fantasy and simple make up scenic the real costume. If you love the classic costumes will be pleased to discover with us how we can best achieve some of the packages to masks for Halloween. Dangerous and sexy, like a witch. The real stars are the hair, with a hairstyle blaring and disordinato.Accanto makeup witch, skeleton that if well done is one of the most terrifying. Suitable for more experienced is a clever play of white base and black eyeliner. Here's what I chose I created half the trick witch and half the skeleton makeup, is very original that you can have 2 make up and be able to show off 2 total look completely different if you choose the trick with skull style Lady Gaga and particularly sought after, the star from which to take inspiration is undoubtedly Gaga, as his outfit and his looks are always outside the box and hyper theater. In his exhibition it offers us the perfect starting point for the night of October 31, such as a skull makeup very dark, yet glam thanks to the combination with the long ponytail and pink tuxedo trendissimo sported in the video for her single Born This Way.
Procedura teschio
Per prima cosa realizzate la base del trucco da teschio applicando su tutto il viso, il collo e le orecchie un fondotinta bianco. Truccarvi da teschio sarà anche occasione per utilizzare trucchi non adatti al vostro incarnato che avete comprato per sbaglio. Con una matita nera iniziate a scurire la punta del naso, il contorno occhi e tutta la palpebra, e la zona degli zigomi. Per dare tridimensionalità sfumate la matita in modo da creare dei chiaroscuri. Continuate ad arricchire il vostro make up creando un tratteggio nella zona delle labbra per ricreare i denti e aggiungete linee e ombre sul resto del viso, sul collo e sulle orecchie. Procedete sfumando e aggiungendo nero fino a quando non sarete soddisfatte.
procedure skull
First you made the base of the skull applying makeup all over your face, neck and ears a white foundation. Apply make-up from the skull will be also an opportunity to use tricks not suited to your complexion that you bought by mistake. With a black pencil started to darken the tip of the nose, around the eyes and across the eyelid, and the cheekbone area. To give three-dimensional soft pencil so as to create light and shade. Continue to enrich your make up creating a hatch in the lip area to recreate the bullet and add lines and shadows on the rest of the face, neck and ears. Proceed fading and adding black until you are satisfied.
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