Non hai tempo la mattina da dedicare alla manicure? Le tue unghie hanno bisogno “di respiro”, di fare una pausa da qualsiasi applicazione di gel o acrilico, ma non desideri rinunciare al colore? Con ORLY® BREATHABLE™ puoi rinforzare e nutrire le tue unghie senza rinunciare al colore, ma scegliendo tra 18 diverse colorazioni.
L’innovativo Trattamento + Colore professionale BREATHABLE™ possiede una formula tutto in uno e non richiede l’applicazione né del basecoat né del topcoatpermettendo di ottenere unghie brillanti e una spettacolare sensazione di leggerezza con due soli strati di BREATHABLE™ .
La stesura del Trattamento + Colore ORLY™ BREATHABLE™ è resa veloce e impeccabile dallo speciale pennello Genius Brush™ dotato di 600 setole che assicura una copertura precisa e uniforme e il tappo anti-scivolo Gripper Cap™.
Paint them every day, without ever leaving them free to breathe for at least a few hours, it is a big mistake, the main cause of weakened and yellowed fingernails (because of the color pigments present in chemicals). If you do not like to see you without polish, remove the latter in the evening, before going to bed and color them the next morning.
You do not have time in the morning to devote to manicure? Your nails need to breathe "," to take a break from any gel or acrylic application, but do not want to give up the color? With ORLY® BREATHABLE ™ you can strengthen and nourish your nails without sacrificing color, but choosing from 18 different colors.
The innovative treatment + professional color BREATHABLE ™ has an all in one and it does not require that either the basecoat or the topcoatpermettendo produces bright nails and a spectacular feeling of lightness with only two BREATHABLE ™ layers.
The drafting of the Treatment + Color ORLY ™ BREATHABLE ™ is fast and flawless performance by the special Genius ™ Brush 600 brush with bristles that ensures precise, uniform coverage and anti-slip Gripper Cap ™ cap.
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