Salve ragazze inizia a far freddo , la temperatura è scesa in modo veloce e oggi dopo giornate di piogge è uscito il sole anche se ci fosse 18°,
Outfit total Stradivarius , il cappotto lo trovate qui , jeans qui, scarpe lotto qui,
collana Marta's_bijoux qui , borsa Liliana del rio qui
Amo questi colori must have della stagione!
Hi girls starts to get cold, the temperature dropped quickly and today after days of rain the sun came out even though there was 18 °,
Outfits total Stradivarius, the coat can be found here, here jeans, shoes here, it
Marta's_bijoux here necklace, bag Liliana of the river here.
I love these colors must-have of the season!
Outfit total Stradivarius , il cappotto lo trovate qui , jeans qui, scarpe lotto qui,
collana Marta's_bijoux qui , borsa Liliana del rio qui
Amo questi colori must have della stagione!
Hi girls starts to get cold, the temperature dropped quickly and today after days of rain the sun came out even though there was 18 °,
Outfits total Stradivarius, the coat can be found here, here jeans, shoes here, it
Marta's_bijoux here necklace, bag Liliana of the river here.
I love these colors must-have of the season!
- 14:56