Sexy e romantiche le calze parigine di Oroblu
09:30Come abbinare le calze parigine ? In inverno questa è una domanda che tante di noi appassionate di moda si fanno. Le parigine sono calze molto amate dalle fashion victim
A seconda del modello che sceglierete, il vostro outfit diventerà più romantico, più bon ton o più audace, perché alla fine parliamo di un capo di abbigliamento che si può abbinare facilmente con tutto! Le parigine richiedono naturalmente di essere indossate con minigonne o pantaloncini molto corti: le gambe sono in primo piano e devono essere naturalmente in forma perfetta per poter esibire questo modello di calze.
Abbinamento riproposto molto spesso dalle star è quello che vede le parigine con i minidress, dai modelli stampati in color vivaci che vanno coordinati con parigine in toni chiari o tenui, ai tubini seducenti in nero e alle pencil skirt che si fermano sulla coscia, perché come è ovvio, un modello più lungo toglierebbe alle parigine tutto il loro effetto chic. Per le più freddolose, non temete, uno dei look che spopolano nel mondo prevedere le parigine indossate sui collant.
E io non potevo non scegliere questo bellissimo capo di Oroblu
How to match the Parisian stockings? In winter this is a question that many of us fashionistas will do. Parisian women are very popular stockings by fashion victims
Depending on the model you choose, your outfits will become more romantic, more bon ton or more daring, because in the end we are talking about a piece of clothing that you can easily match with everything! Parisian course require to be worn with skirts or very short shorts: the legs are in the foreground and must naturally be in top shape to be able to present this model of socks.
Pairing often repeated by the stars is what sees the Parisian with minidress, from the models printed in vivid color ranging coordinated with Parisian in bright or muted tones, the seductive black sheath dresses and pencil skirt that stop on his thigh, because as obviously, a longer pattern to take away all their Parisian chic effect. For more chilly, do not worry, one of the look that decimated the world predict the Parisian worn over tights.
And I could not not choose this beautiful head of Oroblu
How to match the Parisian stockings? In winter this is a question that many of us fashionistas will do. Parisian women are very popular stockings by fashion victims
Depending on the model you choose, your outfits will become more romantic, more bon ton or more daring, because in the end we are talking about a piece of clothing that you can easily match with everything! Parisian course require to be worn with skirts or very short shorts: the legs are in the foreground and must naturally be in top shape to be able to present this model of socks.
Pairing often repeated by the stars is what sees the Parisian with minidress, from the models printed in vivid color ranging coordinated with Parisian in bright or muted tones, the seductive black sheath dresses and pencil skirt that stop on his thigh, because as obviously, a longer pattern to take away all their Parisian chic effect. For more chilly, do not worry, one of the look that decimated the world predict the Parisian worn over tights.
And I could not not choose this beautiful head of Oroblu
Dress: Piazza italia Calze Parigine: oroblu Shoes:laura biagiotti |
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