Ciao care oggi voglio farvi un regalo particolare insieme a ZNU voglio
omaggiare uno dei miei seguaci con un premio scelto da voi. Penso che collaborare con questa azienda sia stupendo perchè ha capi pazzeschi.
Per partecipare le regole sono semplici
Hello dear Today I want to make a special gift along with ZNU want
pay homage to one of my followers with a prize chosen by you. I think that working with this company is wonderful because it has crazy bosses.
To participate in the rules are simple
You discover the winner in 15 days and will be chosen by random.org
1. Abito / Dresshttp://www.znu.com/product/women-fall-winter-back-zipper-long-sleeve-dress
2. Blazer http://www.znu.com/product/women-sleeveless-duster-coats-blazer-waistcoat
3. Cappello/ hat http://www.znu.com/product/retro-woolen-wave-peaked-hat
4. Body http://www.znu.com/product/sexy-bandage-deep-v-neck-bodysuit
omaggiare uno dei miei seguaci con un premio scelto da voi. Penso che collaborare con questa azienda sia stupendo perchè ha capi pazzeschi.
Per partecipare le regole sono semplici
- Registrarti sul sito Znu
- Seguire Znu sui social Facebook, Google+
- Aggiungervi ai lettori fissi del blog
- Seguirmi sui social Google+, Facebook , Instagram .
- Condividere e taggare 3 amiche a partecipare.
- Commentare nei commenti del post con l'email che vi siete registrate ,link del prodotto scelto tra i quattro e il colore, e link della condivisione
Hello dear Today I want to make a special gift along with ZNU want
pay homage to one of my followers with a prize chosen by you. I think that working with this company is wonderful because it has crazy bosses.
To participate in the rules are simple
- Register on the site Znu
- Follow Znu on social Facebook, Google+
- Add to fixed readers of the blog
- Follow me on social Google+, Facebook, Instagram.
- Share and tag 3 friends to participate.
- Comment in the comments of the post with the email you have registered, the link of product chosen among the four and the color, and link sharing
1. Abito / Dresshttp://www.znu.com/product/women-fall-winter-back-zipper-long-sleeve-dress
2. Blazer http://www.znu.com/product/women-sleeveless-duster-coats-blazer-waistcoat
4. Body http://www.znu.com/product/sexy-bandage-deep-v-neck-bodysuit
The Winners is
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