Braided crop top, blacks clothes
09:30Ma come abbinarlo? Come detto, niente pancia scoperta! Ho visto delle adolescenti in questi giorni con hot pants, crop top e zeppe, ecco, quello è l’abbinamento da non fare; prima cosa, loro sono adolescenti, secondo, non è affatto chic. La moda ci insegna che il massimo di pancia scoperta è 4-5 cm. Da indossare con gonne svasate o a ruota e pantaloni a palazzo a vita alta, che minimizzano la differenza fra parte alta e bassa; le rettangolo possono puntare anche su gonne a tubo, che sottolineano il loro fisico asciutto, motivo per cui devono osare fantasie e gioielli vistosi, per movimentare la figura.
il mio preferito in assoluto CROP TOP + VITA ALTA
Per le donne o per chi semplicemente non si sente a suo agio a mostrare la pancia, il crop top questa estate nasce e vive per dare il meglio di se abbinato alla vita alta. Una gonna longuette a vita alta oppure una gonna anni 50 a ruota, a vita alta e sotto al ginocchio. L’effetto è retrò ma molto moderno, sensuale e chic.
Ecco questo crop top a maniche 3/4 incrociato firmato Fashionmia e non potevo creare un outfit in stile Arianna Grande
The crop top, mini tank tops or t shirt cut to find out the belly (Literally top cut), are dedicated not only to young girls, this trend may indulge, but also for women who can and want to show a stomach strip , just follow a few tips.
But how to match it? As mentioned, no belly discovery! I saw some teenagers these days with hot pants, crop tops and platform shoes, well, that's the combination don'ts; First, they are teenagers, second, is not chic. The fashion teaches us that the greatest discovery belly is 4-5 cm. To be worn with skirts or flared wheel and palazzo pants with a high waist, which minimize the difference between the top and bottom; the rectangle can also bet on pencil skirts that emphasize their physical dry, why they should daring fantasies and flashy jewelry, to move the picture.
My absolute favorite CROP TOP HIGH LIFE +
For women or those who simply do not feel comfortable to show the belly, the top crop this summer it is born and lives to give their best when combined with the high life. A pencil skirt with a high waist or a skirt 50s wheel, in a loud and below the knee life. The effect is retro but very modern, sexy and chic.
Here this crop top with 3/4 sleeves crossed signed Fashionmia and could not create an outfit in style Arianna Grande
The crop top, mini tank tops or t shirt cut to find out the belly (Literally top cut), are dedicated not only to young girls, this trend may indulge, but also for women who can and want to show a stomach strip , just follow a few tips.
But how to match it? As mentioned, no belly discovery! I saw some teenagers these days with hot pants, crop tops and platform shoes, well, that's the combination don'ts; First, they are teenagers, second, is not chic. The fashion teaches us that the greatest discovery belly is 4-5 cm. To be worn with skirts or flared wheel and palazzo pants with a high waist, which minimize the difference between the top and bottom; the rectangle can also bet on pencil skirts that emphasize their physical dry, why they should daring fantasies and flashy jewelry, to move the picture.
My absolute favorite CROP TOP HIGH LIFE +
For women or those who simply do not feel comfortable to show the belly, the top crop this summer it is born and lives to give their best when combined with the high life. A pencil skirt with a high waist or a skirt 50s wheel, in a loud and below the knee life. The effect is retro but very modern, sexy and chic.
Here this crop top with 3/4 sleeves crossed signed Fashionmia and could not create an outfit in style Arianna Grande
Crop Top : Fashionmia high waisted skirt : H&M |
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